The Gift - from Kindergarten.


Our Kindergarten class topped of the 2013 school year in song as parents, teachers, and students sang and danced right before winter break. The outdoor concert was well attended and filled with the joys of parents and children singing along to songs that the class had learned. You can check out how in tune our parents and students were in this clip.

Pre-Primary and Pre-Kindergarten make Gingerbread Cookies


Run run run as fast as you can, you can't catch them their the PP/PK Class! Gingerbread men were brought to life with the colorful decorations by the Pre-Primary and Pre-K class. They mixed up the batter, threw on the icing, and gave their personal touch to each gingerbread man. Followed by a rousing amount of smiles and silly faces.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade discovery celebrate the "Great CookieExchange"


The Great Cookie Exchange

Sprinkles and frosting and gooey sugary goodness these were things at the Great Cookie Exchange. Kindergarten and 1st grade Discovery Classes piled on their own cookie decorations as a proper precursor to leaving some cookies out for Santa. The classes came up with their ideal designs and exchanged their "cookie gifts" to one another in the 1st grade classroom. Pink, orange, green frosting and more, Sugar infused smiles and silly faces gave this event a thumbs up all around.


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